Havasu Falls


The mission of the Arizona State Board of Physical Therapy is to protect the public from the incompetent, unprofessional, and unlawful practice of physical therapy. The Arizona Physical Therapy Practice Act establishes the standards for the practice of physical therapy, continuing competence and testing, and defines the scope and limitations of practice. The Board licenses and certifies qualified applicants as physical therapists and physical therapist assistants; and receives, investigates and adjudicates complaints against licensees and certificate holders.

What is Physical Therapy?

Physical therapy is a specialized area of healthcare that includes therapeutic exercise, manual therapy techniques, patient related instruction, and many other interventions. For the complete list of care and services provided, please view A.R.S. §32-2001 (13) and physical therapy services for more information.

Be Safe!

Because public safety is the primary reason for our existence, we recommend that a savvy consumer be pro-active in choosing a PT health care professional.  Verification of Arizona license to practice PT and certification to work as a PTA may be ascertained on the eLicensing website.  Information can also be obtained by calling our office at 602-274-0236.  Whether you live in the state of Arizona or you move to another state, a physical therapist must be licensed by that state before legally practicing as a physical therapist.  Every state in the United States requires licensure before the physical therapist is allowed to practice in that state. 

Pursuant to A.R.S. §32-4302 a person shall be granted an occupational or professional license or certificate if the person has been licensed or certified in another state for at least twelve months, the license or certificate is in the same discipline and at the same practice level as the license or certificate for which the parson is applying in this state and the person meets other conditions prescribed by A.R.S. §32-4302. Application required and must be submitted via ELICENSING.