Woman walking on treadmill

Policy Statement 2004-01 Use of Titles

Laws Documents

This Substantive Policy Statement (SPS) addresses the appropriate use of professional titles on the part of Arizona licensed physical therapists. An SPS is intended to provide clarification with respect to the Board's statutes and rules.

Policy Statement 2006-01 ADA Exam Accommodations

Laws Documents

This Substantive Policy Statement (SPS) addresses the requirements for an applicant for PT licensure or PTA certification requesting an accommodation to the National Physical Therapy Examination and to the Arizona Jurisprudence Examination under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). An SPS is intended to provide clarification with respect to the Board's statutes and rules.

PT Compact

Other Applicant

PT Continuing Competence Overview

Continuing Competence

These documents provide a descriptive overview of the continuing competence requirements for Arizona licensed physical therapists and certified physical therapist assistants.

PTA Continuing Competence Overview

Continuing Competence

These documents provide a descriptive overview of the continuing competence requirements for Arizona licensed physical therapists and certified physical therapist assistants.

Public Records/Directory Request Form


Complete this form to request copies of records, including a Directory of Arizona PTs &/or PTAs. Fees are charged for copies of certain records. Mail completed form & payment to the Board's office as indicated on the form. Credit card payments are not accepted for Public Records requests.

A person may obtain additional public records related to any licensee or certificate holder, including dismissed complaints and non-disciplinary actions and orders, by contacting the board directly A.R.S. § 32-3214.

Contact Monica Crowley at [email protected] or 602-274-1072.

Request Score Transfer

New Applicant

When contacting the FSBPT for NPTE score transfers, individuals requesting transer must pay the FSBPT score transfer fee at the time of request.